hai hai!

InDaH CwiTte

Minggu, Maret 18, 2012

softskill bhs inggris

Exercise 21 : conditional sentences
Suplay the form of the verb in parentheses for each of the following sentences. Review the formulas if you have trouble.
  1. Henry talks to his dog as if it Understanded him
  2. If they had left the house earlier, they Would not have been so late
  3. If I finish the dress before Saturday, I Will give it to my sister for her brithday
  4. If I had seen the move, I Would have told you about it last night
  5. Had bob not interfered in his sister’s marital problems, there are peace between them.
  6. He would give you the money it he had it
  7. I wish they stoped making so much noise so that I could concentrate.
  8. She would call you immediately if she will need help.
  9. Hed they arrived at the sale early, they finded a better selection.
  10. We hope that you enjoyed the party last night.
  11. If you have enough time, please paint the chaire before you leave.
  12. We could go for a drive if today were Saturday.
  13. If she wins the prize, it will be because she write very well
  14. Mike wished that the editors permited him to copy some of their material
  15. Joel wishes that he would spend his vacation on the gulf coast next year
  16. I will accept if they invite me to the party.
  17. If your mother buy that car for you, will you be happy ?
  18. If he Would have written earlier, he could have left on  the afternoon flight
  19. Had Had we known your address, we Will leak you a letter
  20. If the roonfer doesn’t come soon, the rain Will leak inside
21.   Could have studied
22. Hears
23. See
24. Gets
25. Turn
26. Are
27. Would have called
28. Would have talked
29. Explained
30. Spoke

EXERCISE 22 : USED TO page : 99
Supply the simple form or ( verb + ing ) as required in the following senteceses.
1. I was used to eating at noon when I started school
2. He used to eat dinner at five o’clock
3. When I was young, I used to swim every day
4. He used to like her, but he doesn’t anymore
5. Don’t worry. Some day you will get used to speak English
6. Alvaro can’t get used to study
7. He used to dance every night , but now he studies
8. Adam is used to sleep late on weekends
9. Chieko is used to eating American food now
10. She finally got used to eat our food

Page : 106

3. Marchela didn’t come to class yesterday. She may have had an accident
4. John didn’t do his homework, so the teacher became very angry. John must have done his homework
5. Sharon was supposed to be here at nine o’clock. She must have forgotten about our meeting
6. Where do you think juan is today ? I have no idea. He may have slept late
7. George missed class today. He might had had an accident
8. Robert arrived without his book. He could have lost it
9. Thomas received a warning for speeding. He shouldn’t have driven so fast
10. Henry’s car stopped on the highway. It may run out of gas


1. Rita plays the violin ( well )
2. That is an ( intense ) novel
3. The sun is shining ( brightly )
4. The girls speak ( fluently ) French
5. The boys speak Spanish (  fluently )
6. The table has a ( smooth ) surface
7. We must figure our income tax returns ( accurately)
8. We don’t like to drink ( bitter) tea
9. The plane will arrive ( soon )
10. He had an accident because he was driving too ( fast  )

1. Your cold sounds ( terrible )
2. The pianist plays very ( well )
3. The food in the restaurant always tates ( good  )
4. The campers remained ( calm ) despite the thunderstorm
5. They became ( sick ) after eating the contaminated food
6. Professor calandra looked ( quickly ) at the students sketches
7. Paco was working ( diligent  ) on the project
8. Paul protested ( vehement ) about the new proposals
9. Our neighbors appeared (relaxedly ) after their vacation
10. The music sounded too ( noisy) to be classical

1. John and his friends left as soon as the professor had finished his lecture
2. His job is more important than his friends
3. He plays the guitar as well as Andreas Segovia
4. A new house is much more expensive than an older one
5. Last week as hot as this week
6. Martha is more talented than her cousin
7. Bill’s descriptions more colorful than his wife’s
8. Nobody is happier than Maria Elena
9. The boys felt worse than the girls about the game
10. A greyhound run faster than a Chihuahua

1. The empire state building is taller than the Statue of Liberty
2. California is farther from New York as Pennsylavia
3. His assignment is different than mine
4. Louie reads more quickly than his sister
5. No animal is so big from King kong
6. That report is less impressive than the government’s
7. Sam wears the same shirt as his teammates
8. Dave paints much more realistically than his professor
9. The twins have less money at the end of the month from they have at the beginning
10. Her sports car is different from Nancy’s

1. Of the four dress, I like the read one (best )
2. Phil is the (happiest ) person that we know
3. Pat’s car is ( faster) than Dad’s
4. The is the (creamiest ) ice cream I have had in a long time
5. This poster is (more colorful ) than the one in the hall
6. Does freed feel (better ) today than he did yesterday ?
7. This vegetable soup tastes very ( good)
8. While trying to balance the basket on her head, the woman walked (more awkwardly ) than her daughter
9. Jane is the (least ) atletic of all the woman
10. My cat is the (prettiest ) of the two
Conditional Sentences – Introduction
1. Uncertain events & situations
We use conditional sentences to talk about uncertain events and situations.
Ask Mark if he is staying tonight. (He may or may not be staying)
If I see Nicky, I will give convey your message. (I may or may not see Nicky)
2. Conditions
An if-clause can also refer to a condition – something which must happen first, so something else can happen.
If we can get there by tomorrow morning, we can have breakfast at Mark’s place.
I will go to market tomorrow if I am able to repair my car today.
3. If…then
We sometimes construct sentences with if…then to emphasize that one thing depends on another. But note that we do not use if…so in this way.
If he cannot walk, then she will have to help him. (NOT …so we will have to go and see her)
If Jennifer has no enough money, then we have to lend her some money.
4. If meaning “if it is true”
Another common use of if is to mean “if it is true that” or if it is the case that”
If you were in New York, why didn’t you come and see us?
If it will help you, I will lend you some money
5. Unlikely, imaginary or untrue situations
Past (or special) tenses can be used to give the idea that something is unlikely, imaginary or untrue.
If I married you, we would both be unhappy. (Past tense used to talk about an imaginary future situation).
Sumber :

1 komentar:

  1. hei kawan, karena kita ini mahasiswa gundar, tolong ya blognya di kasih link UG, seperti
    - dan lain lain
    karna link link tersebut mempengaruhui kriteria penilaian mata kuliah soft skill
    makasi :)


Untuk Di baca

Tips Sehat Hari Lebaran Idul Fitri Bugar Fit Prima Foto Gambar Masakan Makanan Lezat Enak Halal

Tips sehat saat Lebaran Hari Raya Idul Fitri ini merupakan rangkaian artikel terakhir Rumah Islami setelah sebelumnya saya telah menyajikan tips sehat buka puasa di bulan Ramadhan.

Lebaran merupakan puncak dari usaha untuk memenuhi kewajiban dan perjuangan menahan nafsu satu bulan lamanya, khususnya keinginan untuk makan dan minum. Saat bulan suci Ramadhan 2009 berakhir dan batasan untuk bersantap di pagi dan siang hari telah hilang, mulailah kebiasaan lama muncul kembali: mengkonsumsi makanan tanpa berpikir akibat atau dampaknya karena dilakukan secara berlebihan dan terus-menerus!

Hal ini dapat dimaklumi karena biasanya makanan dan masakan yang disajikan saat Lebaran lain dari biasanya dan ditambah aneka kue kering Lebaran yang sangat mengundang selera :)

Namun demikian, yang paling penting adalah jangan menjadikan Hari Idul Fitri sebagai ajang balas dendam karena telah menjalankan kewajiban berpuasa. NIkmati sajian hari Lebaran dengan cerdas dan tetap menjaga kesehatan agar senantiasa kuat dan bertenaga paska atau setelah puasa dan Lebaran.

Mudah-mudahan artikel berikut ini membuka hati kita untuk senantiasa menjaga tubuh agar tetap sehat fit bugar di Hari Lebaran Idul Fitri 1430H. Amin.

Hindari Makan Berlebih Saat Idul Fitri

Hari Raya Idul Fitri kurang dari tiga minggu lagi. Pesta hari raya umat muslim ini, lekat dirayakan dengan menghidangkan makanan dan minuman mewah yang lain dari hari-hari yang biasa. Menanggapi hal ini, Spesialis Penyakit Dalam Rumah Sakit Siloam Kebon Jeruk, Dr. Epistel Simatupang mengingatkan agar tidak berlebihan mengonsumsi makanan kendati tengah merayakan hari raya.

"Meski Idul Fitri tetapi jangan makan yang berlebihan. Tetap pada pola diet yang sehat," ujar Epistel, Jakarta, Sabtu (29/8).

Saat Idul Fitri memang kerap menghidangkan makanan bersantan dan pedas, seperti opor ataupun rendang. Selain itu, juga banyak dihidangkan kue-kue dan minuman bersoda yang mengandung kadar gula yang tinggi.

Menurut Epistel jika jenis makanan dan minuman ini dikonsumsi dalam jumlah yang banyak, maka akan memicu asam lambung berlebih dalam tubuh ataupun mengakibatkan stroke. Karena itu, dia mengingatkan agar pintar memilih makanan dan tetap menghindari makanan yang memiliki kadar gula tinggi dan berlemak. "Perlu juga tetap konsumsi makanan berserat dan minum yang cukup untuk menjaga hidup sehat," katanya.


Komen donk!


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